General information
I was born 5.12.1974 in Acqui Terme
(Piedmont, Alessandria province).
My address is: Acqui Terme, Don Minzoni street, 15.
TIN MRB GPP 74 T 05 A 052 O,
number in the registration book of architects
in Alessandria province is 839, section A.
- Graduated geodesist in 1993 with vote 45/60, Archimedes Technical school of geodesy in Acqui Terme;
- graduated in Architecture 22.02.2001 with vote 85/110 in Mondovi (Cuneo province), Turin Polytechnic University. Diploma thesis “PC use for information gathering and valuation by the example of the church “Saint Michael Achangel” in Rivalta Bormida” was met with approval and published on the site of the university ( Thesis directors are Paolo Bertalotti and Chiara Aghemo. Also this thesis is mentioned on web portal of LAMSA of Turin Polytechnic University (
Professional experience
- Temporary collaboration with various proficient architects;
- experience in the field of measuring, survey and representation;
- analysis of the specific characters of modern measuring instruments;
- analysis of different simulation variants;
- experience in the field of information network management;
- experience of the projecting;
- experience of the project control;
- assistant of professor Paolo Bertalotti in course “Application of descriptive geometry” in Turin Polytechnic University.
- Professional activities as a private entrepreneur;
- reconstruction experience of single-family houses and two-family houses;
- construction management;
- three-dimensional simulation;
- from 19th of July work in the company “Strembo s.c.a r.l.”* (Strembo, Trento province) as topographer;
- assistant of professor Paolo Bertalotti in course “Application of descriptive geometry” in Turin Polytechnic University.
- Professional activities as a private entrepreneur;
- topographer in the company “Strembo s.c.a r.l.”*;
- assistant of professor Paolo Bertalotti in course “Application of descriptive geometry” in Turin Polytechnic University.
(* STREMBO s.c.a r.l. is consortium of companies “CODELFA s.p.a.” and “OBEROSLER cav. Pietro”).
- Professional activities as a private entrepreneur;
- work in the company “SILE Costruzioni” as a manager of the building site “Vittorio Park” (underground parking in Turin).
- Professional activities as a private entrepreneur:
- projecting and construction management of private house in Cassine, Valtignosa area, Borella street, 8;
- projecting and construction management of private swimming pool in Sessame (Asti province);
- projecting, reconstruction management of rustic* and construction management of private swimming pool in Cartosio (Alessandria province);
- projecting, reconstruction management of rustic and construction management of private swimming pool in Cavatore (Alessandria province).
(*Rustic – old dilapidated country house of stone, typical for italian Piedmont area.)
- Professional activities as a private entrepreneur:
- projecting and internal replanning of private house in Sessame (Asti province);
- projecting, reconstruction management of rustic and construction management of private swimming pool in San Donato di Mango (Cuneo province);
- projecting, restoration and reconstruction of palazzo with swimming pool construction.
- Professional activities as a private entrepreneur:
- projecting and partial reconstruction of big house in Monastero Bormida (Asti province);
- projecting and restoration of small villa with swimming pool construction in Bubbio (Asti province);
- projecting, reconstruction management of rustic and construction management of private swimming pool in Bubbio (Asti province);
- projecting and construction management of agritourism in Ponti (Alessandria province).
Interests in the field of technology, research, development, electronics, connection and communication.